tttan meaning in english

Word: தட்டான் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tttan means
1. a person who flits aimlessly from one interest or group to another
2. an herb or other small vegetable growth, in contrast with a tree or a shrub.

Transliteration : tṭṭāṉ Other spellings : tttan

Meanings in english :

As noun :
gold and silversmiths plant another plant

Meaning of tttan in tamil

poṟkollan / பொற்கொல்லன்
orppuchchi / ஓர்ப்பூச்சிtattan ko ttochai as putola / தட்டான் கொ ட்டோசை as புடோல

Identical words :

tattankottochai ( தட்டான்கொட்டோசை ) - planttattanpuchchi ( தட்டான்பூச்சி ) - miller insect
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