tau meaning in english

Word: தௌ - The tamil word have 2 characters.
Transliteration : tau Other spellings : tau

Meanings in english :

Meaning of tau in tamil

a letter chompounded of t and o / a letter compounded of த் and ஒ

Identical words :

As noun :
tauvu ( தௌவு ) - to leaptauval ( தௌவல் ) - perishing
tautu ( தௌடு ) - galloptautam ( தௌதம் ) - silvertauttiyam ( தௌத்தியம் ) - praisetauritakam ( தௌரிதகம் ) - horse's trot in a circletauritam ( தௌரிதம் ) - speedtauvai ( தௌவை ) - elder sister
Tamil to English
English To Tamil