tlr meaning in english
Word: தளர் - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tlr means
1. to seize upon; hold firmly.
2. anything used as a band or ligature.
3. characterized by or causing fatigue
4. unsteadfast, faltering, or irresolute, as persons or the mind; vacillating
5. worn out by long use; dilapidated
6. bending readily; flexible; pliant.
7. weak or delicate in constitution ; not strong or hardy.
8. to diminish the force of.
Transliteration : tl.r Other spellings : tlr
tlr means
1. to seize upon; hold firmly.
2. anything used as a band or ligature.
3. characterized by or causing fatigue
4. unsteadfast, faltering, or irresolute, as persons or the mind; vacillating
5. worn out by long use; dilapidated
6. bending readily; flexible; pliant.
7. weak or delicate in constitution ; not strong or hardy.
8. to diminish the force of.
Transliteration : tl.r Other spellings : tlr
Meanings in english :
to grow slack as a tie to becomeralaxed enfeebled to grow weak weary impotent through age or disease to be enfeebled as the joints to grow wrinkled or flabby from age to be flexible tender to suffer in mind to be troubled faint at heart to be remiss relax to decline in duty to grow careless to degenerate to droop lanquish fail as persons plants slackening
Meaning of tlr in tamil
தளரு / தளரு
கிறேன் / கிறேன்தளர்ந்தேன் / தளர்ந்தேன்ven / வேன்தளர / தளரகட்டவிழ / கட்டவிழபலவீனப்பட / பலவீனப்படநெகிழ / நெகிழmanantalara / மனந்தளரசோம்ப / சோம்பசோர / சோரtlrchchi / தளர்ச்சி
Identical words :
As adjective :
tlrttu ( தளர்த்து ) - to slacken
tlrttu ( தளர்த்து ) - to slacken
talarntavunarvinan ( தளர்ந்தவுணர்வினன் ) - dull mantalarntakalam ( தளர்ந்தகாலம் ) - decrepit old agetalarntanatai ( தளர்ந்தநடை ) - gentle walktalarntavayatu ( தளர்ந்தவயது ) - decrepit old agetalarpatam ( தளர்பாடம் ) - lesson well learnedtalarvikka ( தளர்விக்க ) - to slackentlrtti ( தளர்த்தி ) - looseness
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