tngkm meaning in english

Word: தங்கம் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tngkm means
1. Physics. the force that gravitation exerts upon a body, equal to the mass of the body times the local acceleration of gravity
2. a continuous, supporting surface extending horizontally throughout a building, having a number of rooms, apartments, or the like, and constituting one level or stage in the structure; story.

Transliteration : tngkm Other spellings : tngkm

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of tngkm in tamil

maṟṟuyarn tapon / மாற்றுயர்ந் தபொன்

Identical words :

tankampucha ( தங்கம்பூச ) - to gild
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