totuppu meaning in english
Word: தொடுப்பு - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
totuppu means
1. to draw together the parts of with a knotted string or the like
2. anything used as a band or ligature.
3. to make secure, as an article of dress with buttons, clasps, etc., or a door with a lock, bolt, etc.
4. an effort to secure or attain; quest
5. the body of officials by whom such proceedings are instituted and carried on.
6. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report
7. the act of slandering; vilification; defamation; calumniation; derogation
Transliteration : toṭuppu Other spellings : totuppu
totuppu means
1. to draw together the parts of with a knotted string or the like
2. anything used as a band or ligature.
3. to make secure, as an article of dress with buttons, clasps, etc., or a door with a lock, bolt, etc.
4. an effort to secure or attain; quest
5. the body of officials by whom such proceedings are instituted and carried on.
6. a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report
7. the act of slandering; vilification; defamation; calumniation; derogation
Transliteration : toṭuppu Other spellings : totuppu
Meanings in english :
tie joining linking joining by links loose joining illicit intercourse between the sexes coupling persons in marriage clandestinely close intimacy keeping company with pursuit prosecution implements for ploughing slander
Meaning of totuppu in tamil
kttu / கட்டு
talarakkattukai / தளரக்கட்டுகைtotuchu / தொடுசுcherkkai / சேர்க்கைtotarchchi / தொடர்ச்சிkalappaimutaliyana / கலப்பைமுதலியனveṟumpuṟankuṟal / வெறும்புறங்கூறல்
Identical words :
totuppukkatti ( தொடுப்புக்கத்தி ) - sword with an iron guard to cover the arm up to the elbowtotuppukkaran ( தொடுப்புக்காரன் ) - lecherous persontotuppuntayirukka ( தொடுப்புண்டாயிருக்க ) - to have illecit intercource
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