totuvan meaning in english
Word: தொடுவான் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
Transliteration : toṭuvāṉ Other spellings : totuvan
Transliteration : toṭuvāṉ Other spellings : totuvan
Meanings in english :
rope attached to a pole
with a swivel in the threshing floor to which the inner yoke of oxen is tied others being all tied ox to ox
Meaning of totuvan in tamil
totuvankayiṟu / தொடுவான்கயிறு
pinaiyatimattilul lanaikkattunkayiṟu / பிணையடிமாட்டிலுள் ளணைக்கட்டுங்கயிறு
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