trai meaning in english

Word: தரை - The tamil word have 3 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
trai means
1. this planet as the habitation of humans, often in contrast to heaven and hell
2. the earth or a part of it, with its inhabitants, affairs, etc., during a particular period
3. a particular kind of earth
4. an area of ground with reference to its nature or composition
5. this planet as the habitation of humans, often in contrast to heaven and hell
6. earth or soil

Transliteration : trai Other spellings : trai

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of trai in tamil

கிறேன் / கிறேன்
ந்தேன் / ந்தேன்ven / வேன்taṟai / தறைpumi / பூமிnilm / நிலம்anittalai / ஆணித்தலை

Identical words :

taraiyani ( தரையாணி ) - double headed spike after being driventaraikkaran ( தரைக்காரன் ) - owner of the landtaraimattam ( தரைமட்டம் ) - even or level with the groundtaraiyillakkuruvi ( தரையில்லாக்குருவி ) - bird that seldom touches the ground
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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