tulai meaning in english
Word: துளை - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tulai means
1. a hollow place in a solid body or mass; a cavity
2. Also called aperture stop. Optics. an opening, usually circular, that limits the quantity of light that can enter an optical instrument.
3. a hole made or passing through a thing.
4. a structure for enclosing such an opening or entrance.
5. a phrase or other division of a musical work.
6. a major road or highway.
7. the act of a person or thing that opens .
Transliteration : tul.ai Other spellings : tulai
tulai means
1. a hollow place in a solid body or mass; a cavity
2. Also called aperture stop. Optics. an opening, usually circular, that limits the quantity of light that can enter an optical instrument.
3. a hole made or passing through a thing.
4. a structure for enclosing such an opening or entrance.
5. a phrase or other division of a musical work.
6. a major road or highway.
7. the act of a person or thing that opens .
Transliteration : tul.ai Other spellings : tulai
Meanings in english :
ய to play or dive in water to roll in the sand to enjoy have fruition of orifice perforation passage thoroughfare opening hollow of a tube bambu
Meaning of tulai in tamil
க்கிறேன் / க்கிறேன்
த்தேன் / த்தேன்ப்பேன் / ப்பேன்க்க / க்கtolai / தொளைகிறேன் / கிறேன்ந்தேன் / ந்தேன்ven / வேன்மூழ்க / மூழ்கanupavikka / அனுபவிக்கut tulai / உட் டுளைmungkil / மூங்கில்
Identical words :
As noun :
tulaippu ( துளைப்பு ) - boaring
tulaippu ( துளைப்பு ) - boaring
As adjective :
tulaikkai ( துளைக்கை ) - elephant's trunk
tulaikkai ( துளைக்கை ) - elephant's trunk
tulaikkaruvi ( துளைக்கருவி ) - wind instrumentstulaichchevi ( துளைச்செவி ) - ear of an animal that has no external eartulaipota ( துளைபோட ) - to make a hole
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