tuvkku meaning in english

Word: துவக்கு - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tuvkku means
1. to be admitted into a school, competition, etc.
2. to encircle with a band or ligature
3. to involve in or as in a tangle ; ensnare; enmesh
4. such an integument stripped from the body of an animal, especially a small animal; pelt
5. a corpse; carcass.
6. to draw together the parts of with a knotted string or the like
7. Often, chains. something that binds or restrains; bond
8. an instance or point of unlikeness or dissimilarity

Transliteration : tuvkku Other spellings : tuvkku

Meanings in english :

As noun :
body chain dispute gun musket

Meaning of tuvkku in tamil

கிறேன் / கிறேன்
துவக்கினேன் / துவக்கினேன்ven / வேன்துவக்க / துவக்கஆரம்பிக்க / ஆரம்பிக்ககட்ட / கட்டtol / தோல்also written தொக்கு / also written தொக்குutl / உடல்champantam / சம்பந்தம்changkili / சங்கிலிpinkku / பிணக்குtup pakki / துப் பாக்கி
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