tvir meaning in english
Word: தவிர் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tvir means
1. to take off or shed
2. to cause to vanish; alleviate
3. to prevent from doing, acting, or happening; stop
4. to break off or cause to cease, as in the middle of something
5. to hinder or stop from doing something
6. to prevent from happening
7. to express inability or reluctance to accept; refuse with courtesy
8. to give up by formal declaration
Transliteration : tvir Other spellings : tvir
tvir means
1. to take off or shed
2. to cause to vanish; alleviate
3. to prevent from doing, acting, or happening; stop
4. to break off or cause to cease, as in the middle of something
5. to hinder or stop from doing something
6. to prevent from happening
7. to express inability or reluctance to accept; refuse with courtesy
8. to give up by formal declaration
Transliteration : tvir Other spellings : tvir
Meanings in english :
As noun :
to put away remove dispel to chase away to expel to exclude to clear off to discontinue to check hinder interrupt prevent frus trate to bring to an end to terminate to remit liqui date to omit to dispense with to free from to abstain refrain from to shun avoid renounce to be omitted excepted dispensed with to leave forsake relinguish to cease to become extinct to be hindered pre vented impeded to subside abate to desist forbear omit discontinue
Meaning of tvir in tamil
க்கிறேன் / க்கிறேன்
த்தேன் / த்தேன்ப்பேன் / ப்பேன்க்க / க்கநீக்க / நீக்கvittuvita / விட்டுவிடtataicheyya / தடைசெய்யமுடிக்க / முடிக்ககடன்தீர்க்க / கடன்தீர்க்ககழிக்க / கழிக்கtaviru / தவிருkiṟen / கிறேன்nten / ந்தேன்ven / வேன்tavira / தவிரninka / நீங்கakala / அகலkaziya / கழியvilaka / விலகoziya / ஒழியtataipata / தடைபடtaniya / தணியvita / விட
Identical words :
tavirkariyam ( தவிர்காரியம் ) - that which is to be omitted
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