ulviza meaning in english

Word: உள்விழ - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ulviza means
1. in some particular relation to

Transliteration : ul.viẕa Other spellings : ulviza

Meanings in english :

to fall short
to decrease to fall in with Ex: Sanchez worked with (உள்விழ) Sylvanus Morley, a noted Mayanist. join a party to assume the appearance of friendship for a sinis ter object to pretend kindness

Meaning of ulviza in tamil

kuṟaiya / குறைய
ullaka / உள்ளாகkariyartta maychchinekikka / காரியார்த்த மாய்ச்சிநேகிக்க

Identical words :

ulvizutta ( உள்விழுத்த ) - to join a person on professions of friendship in order to deceive and entrap him
Tamil to English
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