uvkai meaning in english

Word: உவகை - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
uvkai means
1. a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated
2. accompanied by or causing joy or pleasure
3. something that gives great pleasure
4. amusement or laughter
5. boisterous gaiety or merriment.
6. a joyful or festive celebration.
7. official approval or sanction.
8. Archaic.
friendly civility; inclination to please; complaisance.

Transliteration : uvkai Other spellings : uvkai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
gladness delight mirth hilarity jubilation complacency fondness

Meaning of uvkai in tamil

klippu / களிப்பு
piriyam / பிரியம்

Identical words :

uvakaichchol ( உவகைச்சொல் ) - kind and polite address to a visitoruvakaippaṟai ( உவகைப்பறை ) - mode of beating drums on festive occasions
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